Virgin Galactic

Reaching stratospheric heights


Virgin Galactic is on a mission to make space tourism a reality. At the height of the new space race, Virgin Galactic needed to stand out among its competitors by being the most thought of brand in space travel.



pieces of broadcast coverage in over 50 countries


pieces of print and online coverage


views of the cabin reveal


views of all content

3 of the top 5

most engaging posts in Virgin Galactic history


We maximised the impact of two key moments of success within the company: the unveiling of the interior of the cabin interior for SpaceShipTwo Unity and a successful spaceflight of the same spaceship, focusing on driving broadcast coverage across the globe.

We produced a YouTube livestream of the cabin reveal, captured content onsite for social and arranged interview opportunities for Virgin Galatic spokespeople.

The coverage of the spaceflight was out of this world, with news outlets across the world showcasing the story and Virgin Galactic getting mentioned 65,000 times on social media.