
Search Optimised Communications


Red Bull is as much a media house as it is a drinks brand. As well as product sales, its revenue comes from event production and broadcasting.. In order for that model to work, Red Bull needs to maintain its large and committed audience.

Our challenge was to drive more online attention for Red Bull events through its communities, optimise their SEO to expand their audience, and , and enhance the measurability of their content.



on Google for ‘B-Girl’, ‘Epic breaking battles’ and ‘Freestyle football’


on Google & Bing in US, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand for ‘Windsurfing Documentary’


of coverage included a follow link


of coverage used Red Bull non-branded keywords as anchor text


The 10 Group played the role of strategic communications advisor, ensuring that we maximised the potential of every Red Bull event in terms of communications and digital reach.
We created a new approach called ‘Search Optimised Communications’, which ensured that communications activity benefited the project beyond media coverage. Our SEO expertise helped ensure that every event ranked highly on search engines and reached new potential audiences. . We made sure that all campaigns connected to Red Bull’s target audiences’ interests and passions, mirroring the type of content they consume and the keywords they use in search engines. from securing high-quality online coverage to redesigning Red Bull’s events pages, we created a cohesive journey for our audience. This not only increased their visibility to existing audiences, but also improved keyword ranking for Red Bull, which raised their profile to new audiences.